spark symbol
Igniting the fire
of development
SPARK is a one-month long event organized by AIT OSS club, exclusively for the first-year engineering students to introduce them to the field of web development technologies and provide them hands-on experience on web development under the guidance of experienced mentors and a chance to interact with industry professionals.
Flow of Event Given below

18 Nov | Inauguration

Inauguration of the event will be on 18 Nov where all the participants will be informed about the upcoming events, lectures and tasks.

20 Nov | Git/Github

we will be familarizing you with Git/Github by which you'll be able to share your code among yourselves and work as a team.

21 Nov | HTML

We will make you familiar with the basics of Hyper text Markup Language(HTML) that is the first step in web development.

26 Nov | CSS Basics #01

In this class we will teach how to style a website and make it a more PRETTIER using Cascading Style Sheet(CSS).

27 Nov | CSS Basics #02

We will teach you about different display properties, position and many more to upgrade your knowledge of CSS.

28 Nov | CSS Advanced

We will move further to the next step of styling by using different animations and make our code professional.

30 Nov | Git Advanced

We will explaining you more Git/Github advanced part in which you will learn to commit, create new branch and much more.

03 Dec | Bootstarp #01

In this class, you wil be introduced with the Bootstarp library which helps us to use some pre-defined CSS.

04 Dec | Bootstarp #02

You will be learning about gutter properties, cards, carousel, navbar, dropdowns, buttons and much more.

05 Dec | Speaker Session

You will get a chance to interact with industry professionals and learn from them(Revealing Soon).

11 Dec | Javascript

In this class, you wil be introduced with Javascript which enables you to make your website more interactive.

12 Dec | Javascript

You will be familiarized with the javascript functions, array, object, loops and most important DOM.

18 Dec | Graphica

Information about Graphica will be revealed in the later stages of Spark.

Learn from their journey

Sagar Patidar

CEO, Primathon
Start with a Plan in mind

4 Dec | Replica

Replica is a frontend skill development competition organised for the FEs during spark to give them a chance to showcase everything they have learnt during the classes organised by the OSS club.

13 Dec | Replica 2.0

Replica 2.0 is an advanced frontend skill development competition organized for the FEs to implement advanced tech-stack to get hands on experience of the same and to utilize & showcase everything they have learnt during the classes organized by the oss club.

Learn from the experienced

Rishabh Rathore


Kumari Palak


Snehasis Sahoo


Rohit Kumar


Abhishek Meel